Saturday, September 24, 2022

Choosing a Business

This week learning about choosing a business has been insightful. There has been so much content that we have studied that has been great, however, much of it I have many questions about and really don't understand yet.

I appreciated studying the text and videos about the different business models and hadn't really thought about many of these befrore. The main models that I am familiar with are merchant, service, and advertising. As I worked on the choosing a product spreadsheet assignment, it was difficult for me to understand what each of the different models were really about and what would be the best business model for each of the businesses I selected.

This week was my first experience using Google Ads. I was very grateful for the videos to show step by step how to complete the spreadsheet using keywords and forecasts. These will be helpful as I move throughout the semester and am able to refer back to them.

As I went through the choosing a business assignment, I was confused about how Google Ads works. I had to run the forecaster a few times with different key words and each time I got different numbers on the words that did not change. Am I doing something wrong or is this normal? I am a little nervous about this course and the costs involved. I realize that I am going to have to be extremely aware of what I am doing in order to not go over my budget this semester.

Ranking, Link Building, & Google Analytics

What a great week with so much new information! Even though I don't completely understand link building and getting backlinks from other...